Efficient and secure identity management for hybrid clouds

Efficient and secure identity management for hybrid clouds

IT decision makers are hesitant to store sensitive corporate information on the cloud. They prefer to store confidential data locally. This implies the need for technologies that allow secure data matching of the data available on the cloud and the corresponding data stored locally.

Univention and the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) have identified this need and started a joint research project to develop selective replication mechanisms for LDAP multi-master servers. A method which allows this type of secure data exchange in hybrid cloud scenarios. The initial results of this joint venture were presented at the Open Identity Summit 2013 this month.

Detailed information on this project can be found in the press release: https://www.univention.de/en/univention/press/press-releases/press-details/uni/2013/09/12/dfki-and-univention-develop-selective-replication-mechanisms-for-ldap-multimaster-servers/